The Greater Region's 3 in 1 nuclear exercises

In 2012 and 2013, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg took part in a series of 3 cross-border crisis management exercisesfocussing on potential problems with the Cattenom nuclear power station.

The aims of the exercise

The aim of the exercise is to reinforce and coordinate national and cross-border cooperation between the Crisis Cells of the members of the Greater region and to improve the coordination of emergency measures. This entails optimising joint management of crises affecting members of the Greater Region.

The origin of the exercise

This '3 in 1' exercise project was launched by the Executives at the Special Summit of the Greater Region held on 20 April 2011.

A three-phase exercise

The '3 in 1 nuclear exercises' joint cross-border project is made up of a series of 3 consecutive strategic exercises based around a common scenario:

  • the first phase of the exercise, which was organised under the presidency of Saarland on 27 and 28 June 2012, focussed on activating the Crisis Cells and measures for cross-border information sharing;
  • the second phase (5 and 6 December 2012), this time organised by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, focussed on extending emergency measures and planning for evacuating the public;
  • the third and last phase of the exercise, which was held from 25 to 28 June 2013 by France, focussed on managing the post-accident situation.

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