Privacy policy


The personal data communicated directly or indirectly by the user in the context of the use of the GouvAlert application (hereinafter "app") shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, as well as with the law of 1 August 2018 on the organisation of the National Commission for Data Protection and on the implementation of the above-mentioned Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Data controller

The data controller is the 'Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours' (Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps), a publicly administered establishment, of which CSU 112 is part, in accordance with the law of 27 March 2018 on the organisation of civil security and the creation of a Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps.


The Government IT Centre (hereafter "CTIE") is the subcontractor of the CGDIS. It is responsible for the development, maintenance, deployment of the app as well as the hosting of personal data.

Security measures

The CTIE takes various technical and organisational security measures to ensure an appropriate level of confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the services provided through the app, and to protect users' rights and freedoms in keeping with industry standards.

The user agrees that authorised persons may access his/her personal data collected for legitimate reasons.

Purpose of collection

The data will only be processed for the purpose of allowing the user to benefit from the app's '112 call' service.

Furthermore, the user's location data is only processed to enable local notifications and to allow emergency services to find the user, even when the app is closed or not used.

Additionally, for information purposes, when receiving certain alerts, the app may use the mobile phone's geolocation data to determine (though with no absolute guarantee) whether the user is within a high-risk area of Luxembourg. This processing is done on the mobile phone only, and the user's data is neither collected nor exported outside of the mobile phone.

Collected data

Personal data is only ever collected, exported from the mobile phone, and processed via the app when the '112 call' service is used. All other features of the app are not concerned.

The personal data collected from the user are their telephone number, a unique identifier assigned to their mobile phone, their geographical location data and the date and time of the call.

This collection of data is permitted and justified both by the consent expressed by the user for the processing of their data and by the pursuit of legitimate interests of the controller and the subcontractor, namely to enable the user to benefit from the app's "112 call" service.

Consent and consequences in case of refusal

The user consents to the above-mentioned data being communicated to the CSU 112 so that the emergency services can locate the caller and intervene, if necessary, in the fastest and most accurate way possible.

The user will not be able to use the app and the purpose of the app will not be achieved without consent.

Data storage

Unless otherwise stipulated by this privacy policy and/or these T&Cs, the user's data is stored in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Retention period of the data

The user's personal data will be kept for a period of 24 hours.

User rights

The user has the right to access, rectification and erasure of data concerning them. They should contact the data controller in order to exercise these rights.

Users also have the right to restrict processing of their personal data, to object to its use, to withdraw their consent, and the right to data portability. These rights can be exercised by contacting the data controller directly.

Users can send their requests by post, to the following address:

Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours
1, rue Stümper
L-2557 Luxembourg.


Users may address claims pertaining to protection of their personal data to the data controller's Data Protection Officer (DPO). The DPO's contact details can be found under 'Aspects légaux' on the data controller's website, i.e. ''.

In addition, users may refer to the National Commission for Data Protection in relation to any dispute arising in this area.

Last update