The brochure 'What to do in the event of a nuclear alert?' is now available in Braille and in an audio version

The Ministry for Family Affairs  and Integration has translated the brochure 'What to do in the event of a nuclear alert?' in Braille and audio versions.

It aims at providing people with disabilities all the informations in an handicapped-accessible format and enabling them to inform themselves  without needing the assistance of third parties.

Both versions were achieved  by the Service de transcription de l’Institut pour Déficients visuels (IDV) and sent to persons with blindness and visual impairments. Additional copies can be supplied on request (tél. 247 8 3655).

In practical terms, the aim of the brochure is to present a condensed and understandable overview of all the alert procedures and protective measures provided for in the emergency response plan (PIU). It is available in several languages (German, English, French, Luxembourgish and Portuguese) and has been distributed to all the country's residents free of charge. The brochure can be downloaded free of charge in the different languages available from the website

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