In the spotlight
Luxembourg takes part in the NATO Crisis Management Exercise - CMX25 (13.-18.03.2025)
From 13 to 18 March 2025, the Luxembourg authorities will participate in the NATO Crisis Management Exercise 2025 (CMX25). The aim of this exercise, the Alliance's 24th since 1992, is to test Alliance consultation and decision-making procedures at the strategic...
Test of the ‘LU-Alert’ public warning and information system (03.03.2025)
On Monday, 3 February 2025, the government will continue to implement its strategy for testing the ‘LU-Alert’ warning and information system for the population by carrying out a monthly test of the siren network and a zone-based SMS test on...
Test of the ‘LU-Alert’ public warning and information system (03.02.2025)
On Monday 3 February 2025, the government will continue to implement its strategy for testing the ‘LU-Alert’ public warning and information system by carrying out a monthly test of the siren network and a national SMS test. The SMS...
Orange alert: risk of local flooding along the Alzette and Sûre rivers (08.01.2025)
In view of the precipitation expected over the next few hours in the form of snow, which will then turn to rain, with accumulations of up to 30l/m2, the bad weather risk assessment unit (CERI) met at midday to take...

Un grand merci au Cercle Diplomatique pour l’échange fructueux ! Une étroite collaboration avec différents partenaires est essentielle pour renforcer la communication en situation de crise, contribuant ainsi à accroître la résilience nationale.

Cybersicherheit im Dialog mit dem @BSI_Bund : Gestern haben wir die wichtigsten Herausforderungen und Lösungen im Bereich IT-Sicherheit besprochen. Themen: Bedrohungsanalyse, Krisenbewältigung & grenzübergreifende Zusammenarbeit. Ein starkes Netzwerk ist entscheidend! 🔒💡🌐

Best wishes 🎄from the HCPN team for 2025!