The Council of Government – adoption of the „Extrem Weather“ plan

On 22 May 2015 the Council of Government has approved and rendered enforceable the emergency response plan in the event of extreme weather conditions. The plan was developed under the leadership of the High Commission for National Protection (HCPN) in cooperation with the Rescue Services Agency (Administration des services de secours) and Meteolux.

The emergency response plan defines the actions the government should take in the event of the following weather conditions: gusts of wind, snow or freezing precipitation, storms, great/extreme heat, great/extreme cold and rain. Each weather condition is divided into two levels of vigilance: the orange vigilance level and the red vigilance level. The plan aims to set the bodies that will manage the crisis, the preventive and protective measures to be taken and  the alert procedures for the authorities and for informing the public in the event of an emergency situation.

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