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Press release
The weather risk assessment unit (CERI), which met this afternoon to assess the weather situation, is issuing an icy warning for Sunday night, which could affect the whole country.
From midnight, a warm front from the south-west will cross the Grand Duchy, initially accompanied by snowfall (1-4 cm in the south of the country and 2- 4 cm in the north). This precipitation will turn into freezing rain from 03:00. Up to 6 litres/m2 may then fall as freezing rain. As temperatures rise in the early morning from about 07:00 on, it will change to rainfall.
The authorities are warning the public to be vigilant when travelling, to make it easier for snow-clearing machines to clear the roads and motorways by parking their vehicles off the roads and to protect themselves from falling snow!
For more information, please visit the official website more information, please visit the official websites,
Issued by: High Commission for National Protection / MétéoLux / CGDIS / AGE /Ponts&Chaussées
Last update