Vigilance levels

Each weather condition defined in the emergency response plan is divided into two levels of vigilance:


  • the orange vigilance level;
  • and the red vigilance level.


Orange level


The orange level is announced in the following situations:


  • gusts of wind


when there are violent winds (between 90 km/h and 110 km/h)


  • snow or freezing precipitation


between 11 and 25 cm of snow in 12 hours or freezing precipitation across the country


  • storms


hail between 1 and 3 cm, gusts of wind between 90 and 110 km/h or rain between 25 and 35 l/h and CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy) 1000-2500 J/kg


  • heat


when temperatures vary between 33°C and 35°C with an average temperature exceeding 23°C


  • cold


when temperatures vary between -11°C and -15°C


  • rain


when there is heavy rain (between 31-45 l/m2 in 6 hours, 41-60 l/m2 in 12 hours or 51-80 l/m2 in 24 hours)


Red level


The red level is announced in the following situations:


  • gusts of wind


when there are very violent winds exceeding 110 km/h


  • snow or freezing precipitation


when there is heavy snow (more than 15 cm in 12 hours) or ice (more than 1 l/m2 in 12 hours)


  • storms


hail above 3 cm, gusts of wind exceeding 110 km/h or rain over 35 l/h and CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy) above 2500 J/kg


  • heat


when temperatures exceed 36°C with an average temperature exceeding 23°C


  • cold


when temperatures fall below -15°C


  • rain


rain above 45 l/m2 in 6 hours, above 60 l/m2 in 12 hours or above 80 l/m2 in 24 hours


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