The Cyber Emergency Response Plan defines the action the government must take in the event of a technical flaw or large-scale attack on the information systems of the public and/or private sector.
What is the "Cyber plan"?
What are the objectives of the Cyber plan?
The Cyber Emergency Response Plan aims to:
- decree preventative and protective measures,
- set the bodies that will manage the crisis,
- define the emergency measures, associated actions and the respective stakeholders and figures in charge,
- set out the process for raising the alarm for the authorities and providing information to the public.
What is an emergency situation?
A cyber emergency is a situation which results from an incident or attack which risks leading to a major malfunction or unavailability of communication systems and information processing which threatens the vital interests or essential requirements of all or part of the country or population of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
What is cybersecurity?
The term cybersecurity encompasses all the tools, policies, security concepts, security mechanisms, guidelines, risk management methods, actions, training, good practices, guarantees and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and assets of organisations and users.
The main security aims are as follows:
- availability;
- integrity, which can include authenticity and non-repudiation ;
- confidentiality.
Which stakeholders are involved in the Cyber plan?
The execution of the plan developed under the leadership of the High Commission for National Protection (Haut-commissariat à la protection nationale, HCPN) falls under the remit of the Prime Minister, Minister of State, the Minister for Communications and Media and the Minister of the Economy.
All the ministries, agencies and departments of the State are required to cooperate with the implementation of the Cyber Emergency Response Plan using all the means available to them.
Which bodies assume the management of a cyber emergency?
The Cyber plan sets the following management bodies in a cyber emergency:
- the Crisis Cell (Cellule de crise, CC) ;
- the Operational Cell (Cellule opérationnelle, CO);
- the Cyber Risk Evaluation Cell (Cellule d’évaluation du risque cyber, CERC);
- the Communication/Information Cell (Cellule communication/information, CCI).
What is the Crisis Cell?
The Crisis Cell (Cellule de crise, CC) is activated by the Prime Minister and Minister of State in the event that a crisis is imminent or has occurred. It initiates, coordinates and monitors the execution of all the measures intended to deal with the crisis and its effects in order to return the situation to normal. It prepares the necessary decisions and submits them to the government for approval. In the event that operational intervention is required on the ground, the CC's mission extends to coordinating and monitoring its execution.
Who participates in the Crisis Cell?
In an emergency, the Crisis Cell is composed of:
- the High Commissioner for National Protection;
- the Director-General of the Grand Ducal Police;
- the Director of the State Intelligence Service;
- the Chief of Staff of the armed forces;
- the Director of the State Information Technology Centre;
- the head of the Media and Communications Service;
- the head of the Government Communication Centre;
- the Director of the government's Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT);
- the Director of the Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL);
- the Director of the Office for crisis communication.
For how long does the Crisis Cell (CC) operate?
The Crisis Cell (CC) operates throughout the duration of the crisis until the situation returns to normal: it initiates, coordinates and monitors the execution of all the measures intended to deal with the crisis and its effects in order to return the situation to normal.
What is the Operational Cell?
The Crisis Cell (CC) can appoint an operational cell to execute, implement and monitor the ordered measures and activities.
What is the Cyber Risk Evaluation Cell (CERC)?
Vigilance entails gaining an understanding of the cyber threat and taking due account of it in order to adjust the population's behaviour and the protective measures applied.
The role of the Cyber Risk Evaluation Cell (CERC) in managing the crisis is to monitor the changing situation and inform the Crisis Cell (CC). Made up of experts, it evaluates the situation and increases surveillance before the Crisis Cell is activated.
What is the Communication/Information Cell (CCI)?
The Communication/Information Cell (Cellule communication/information, CCI) is in charge of communication and providing information for the media and citizens. The horizontal coordination of organising external communication falls to the Office for crisis communication (Service de la communication de crise).
What about the information for the public ?
The wider public will be informed of the changing situation by the government and via the website
What are the measures provided for by the Cyber plan?
The plan provides those charged with its execution with the tools they need to react in an appropriate and flexible manner to the events that occur and to provide the best possible protection for the citizens or sectors affected, their vital interests and the nation's economic interests.
The Cyber plan sets out seven measures:
- Evaluation;
- Increased surveillance;
- Technical analysis;
- Isolation;
- System upgrade and protection;
- Activation of the national cyber reserve;
- Restoration of services.
What is the 'evaluation' measure?
This is the first measure in the crisis management cycle. It enables the authorities to evaluate the degree of urgency and the impact of the incident on Luxembourg.
What is the 'increased surveillance' measure?
The increased surveillance measure includes the actions to be implemented during a risk situation. It concerns in particular
- writing reports on network traffic, the state of the network infection and the effectiveness of the counter measures in place;
- evaluating all the statistics and data available to determine the severity of the situation and to be able to react instantly if necessary.
What is the 'technical analysis' measure?
'Technical analysis' is a measure that groups all the actions required to analyse in detail the attack, intrusion or other IT incident that could be linked to or could have caused the crisis situation. It also involves identifying all the systems affected to some degree (collateral damage) in order to organise coordination of and cooperation between the stakeholders involved and the international CERT community.
What is the 'isolation' measure?
The 'isolation' measure acts on network traffic to counter any denial-of-service attacks (distributed or not). It can also be applied to effectively isolate the systems under threat and avoid any information leaks.
What is the 'system upgrade and protection' measure?
The 'system upgrade and protection' measure aims to contact potential targets, listed depending on the type of attack, in order to verify the existence of certain vulnerabilities that may be exploited by a threat. This list also includes the systems that may be targeted by an attack.
Having verified the vulnerabilities in a situation, the CERC will propose that the CC put in place
- preventative measures concerning potential targets,
- protective measures for potential targets,
- or that the CC should partially or fully disconnect a target.
The 'isolation' measure is triggered if disconnecting a potential target is appropriate.
What is the 'Activation of the national cyber reserve' measure?
'Activating the national cyber reserve' is a measure that aims to call on experts from the information systems and communication security sector of the public administration. If required and for specific areas, the reserve can be supplemented by experts from the private sector or international organisations of which Luxembourg is part.
This measure is only triggered in a crisis of significant scope with a considerable impact.
What is the National Information System Security Agency ( ANSSI)?
As the national authority for the security of both classified and non-classified information systems used by the State and operators of critical infrastructure for their own requirements, the ANSSI will set the policies and guidelines in this area, ensure that the measures related to information system security are put in place and that their application is guaranteed, and certify the means for processing non-classified information (systems, services, infrastructure or the premises containing them).
The ANSSI will also run the national CERT (national computer emergency response team) and governmental CERT (government computer emergency response team).
The draft Grand Ducal decree was adopted by the Council of Government on 21 January 2015.
En tant qu’autorité nationale en matière de sécurité des systèmes d’information classifiés et non classifiés et exploités par l’État et les opérateurs d’infrastructures critiques pour leurs besoins propres, l’ANSSI définira les politiques et les lignes directrices en cette matière, veillera à ce que les mesures concernant la sécurité des systèmes d’information soient mises en place et que leur application soit garantie et certifiera les moyens de traitement de l’information non classifiée (systèmes, services, infrastructures ou locaux les abritant).
L’ANSSI assurera aussi la fonction de CERT national (centre national de traitement des urgences informatiques) et gouvernemental (centre gouvernemental de traitement des urgences informatiques).
Le projet d’arrêté grand-ducal a été adopté par le Conseil de gouvernement le 21 janvier 2015.
What is works both on a national and international level to protect the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg from the main cyber threats in order to create an environment that is easy to use, safe and reliable for Luxembourg's businesses and to protect the private lives and basic rights of the citizens of Luxembourg.
What is
Launched on 8 June 2015, the national platform for the promotion of cybersecurity SECURITYMADEIN.LU is an initiative from the economic interest group 'Security made in Lëtzebuerg' (SMILE) which was mandated in 2010 by the Ministry of the Economy to promote and strengthen information security in Luxembourg.
The four objectives of are:
- to coordinate government initiatives like BEE SECURE (awareness raising for the general public), CASES (promotion of information security in businesses) and CIRCL (post-incident coordination and action services);
- to back and make more visible the awareness raising and support actions of these different initiatives among their target audience;
- to promote the whole information security community;
- to develop a cybersecurity ecosystem which will make the stakeholders and services related to information security in Luxembourg more visible.
What is
Launched on 8 November 2010, BEE SECURE is a common initiative from the Ministry of the Economy, the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region and the Ministry of Eduction, Children and Youth. It includes all the necessary actions for raising awareness of how to use new information communication technologies more securely.
The objective of the Safer Internet Plus programme from the European Commission is to encourage European citizens to use new information technologies securely and confidently.
In line with this policy, the main strategic priorities of the Safer Internet Plus programme, as well as those of the BEE SECURE project as part of this programme, are:
- to promote a safer use of the internet and current communication technology, in particular among young users,
- to educate users in this area, particularly children, teenagers, parents, teachers and educators,
- to combat illegal content and dangerous online behaviour.
What is
The Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) is an government initiative for the private sector, municipalities and non-government entities which aims to provide a systematic response centre for threats and incidents that affect computer security.
The objective of CIRCL is to provide optimal protection for information and communication systems, guaranteeing an alert and warning system for users in Luxembourg.
Can Luxembourg count on international aid in the event of a cyber threat/attack?
International cooperation is guaranteed and international assistance is possible for any cyber crisis that could become international in dimension, both from CERTs and international organisations of which the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is part (European Union, Benelux, NATO, UN, OSCE).Toute crise cyber étant susceptible d’avoir une dimension internationale, une collaboration internationale est garantie et une assistance internationale est possible tant au niveau des CERTs que dans le cadre des organisations internationales dont le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg fait partie (Union européenne, Benelux, OTAN, ONU, OSCE).
If you cannot find the answer to your question, do not hesitate to contact us.
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