Scenarios used and emergency measures

Four different scenarios have been used in the Ebola emergency response plan:

Scenario 1:

  • A probable/confirmed case of Ebola has just arrived at Luxembourg airport;

Scenario 2:

  • A probable/confirmed case of Ebola has been detected within Luxembourg (excluding the airport);

Scenario 3:

  • Repatriation of a Luxembourg resident or national who has been exposed to a high risk of Ebola or a probable/confirmed case of Ebola;

Scenario 4:

  • A probable/confirmed case of Ebola is found on board a vessel sailing under the Luxembourg flag.

Each scenario leads to an alert procedure and the Crisis Cell being convened, as well as the implementation of emergency measures set in advance.

Any event of hospitalisation in Luxembourg will take place within the National Service of Infectious Diseases at the Luxembourg Hospital Centre.

In the event that there are insufficient facilities at the Hospital Centre, agreements have been concluded with the German and French authorities to take care of the patients (Germany: Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie, und Infektiologie, Düsseldorf / France: Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg et de Nancy).


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