General information

The global threat of terrorism posed by groups or individuals is becoming ever more varied and complex. Terrorism is a global threat that respects no borders and takes many forms. Like other countries, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is exposed to the threat of terrorism. Terrorism therefore requires a collective response, as it is one of the most serious challenges the country faces. 

The High Commission for National Protection (Haut-Commissariat à la protection nationale, HCNP) is entrusted with coordinating the government's actions and response to this subject. 

The VIGILNAT plan is at the heart of the national framework to protect against the terrorist threat. It was designed as a tool to identify the terrorist threat. In response to the multitude of possible threats with their myriad of possible impacts and repercussions, this plan provides those responsible for executing it with the tools they need to react with the required flexibility to deal with the events that occur. This is therefore an instrument that contributes greatly to national security. 

The VIGILNAT government plan for national vigilance in the face of acts of terrorism was developed by the HCNP on the basis of, among others, discussion with the General Secretariat for Defence and National Security of the French Republic (Secrétariat général de la défense et de la sécurité nationale de la République française, SGDSN) which was responsible for developing the French "Vigipirate" plan. 

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