Evaluating the threat

Vigilance entails gaining an understanding of the terrorist threat and taking due account of it in order to adjust the population's behaviour and the protective measures applied.An understanding of the risks and threats is the cornerstone of any policy of prevention and protection. It is therefore a critical tool for the decision makers who must develop, adopt and apply security measures which respond to the nature and severity of the risk.

The Anti-terrorism Coordination Group (Groupe de coordination en matière de lutte contre le terrorisme, GCT) evaluates the terrorist threat following a schedule that is adapted to the evolution of the national and international situation.

The GCT includes the following people:

  • the High Commissioner for National Protection, chair of the GCT;
  • the Director-General of the Grand Ducal Police;
  • the Director of the State Intelligence Service;
  • the State Public Prosecutor;
  • the Luxembourg State Prosecutor;
  • a representative from the Ministry of Home Affairs;
  • a representative from the Ministry of Justice;
  • a representative from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade.

The GCT provides the government with an evaluation of the threat based on a description of its gravity and the probability it will materialise.

After this evaluation has been undertaken, a proposed alert level is submitted to the government which then determines the alert level to be applied to the territory.

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