Protective measures for farmers and businesses

When should livestock be moved into shelter?

To prevent livestock, and therefore animal-based products, becoming contaminated by radioactive particles, farmers will be informed by the Crisis Cell of the measures to be taken when the alert is announced.

The measures to be taken are as follows:

  • move livestock into barns where possible, giving precedence to dairy cows;
  • use hay and silage stocks for livestock feed.

How can feed for livestock be sheltered?

Raw materials, cereal crops and animal feed should be moved into shelter as soon as the alert is sounded. This measure is important both for farms and business owners.

Stock should be secured by

  • blocking off ventilation systems;
  • decontaminating the means of transport used.


What are the main instructions to follow?

Instructions for farmers:

  • move your livestock into enclosed premises and restrict, as much as possible, natural and artificial ventilation into these premises;
  • organise and store prepared feed in enclosed premises;
  • cover any silage stored outdoors and plants with a plastic tarpaulin;
  • close any greenhouses;
  • shut off rainwater collection systems.


What are the risks for food in the shops?

The risk of contamination in shops selling foodstuffs depends on:

  • the type of building;
  • the weather conditions at the time of deposition.

When the radioactive cloud passes over and depending on the time of year, air ventilation systems and access doors are the main ways in which contamination could enter buildings.

Pre-packaged food will not be contaminated.

How can stored food become contaminated?

When stored inside, food can mainly become contaminated by deposits of radioactive particles from the air (via ventilation systems).

Other possible means of contamination include water or human contact, which are either unlikely or manageable when conventional food hygiene measures are applied.

How can airborne contamination be avoided?

Airborne radioactive particles are primarily spread into storage facilities via ventilation systems. Air flows that contain radioactive dust should therefore be prevented from contaminating food already inside the shelter.

The following measures should be taken to reduce contamination to a minimum:

  • close all exterior doors and windows, and if necessary stuff damp rags into the joints to ensure they are sealed tight;
  • turn off ventilation systems to ensure radioactive dust from getting sucked inside the building.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, do not hesitate to contact us.


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