Alert levels
The VIGILNAT plan is based upon an analysis of the risk of terrorist acts which combines a process to evaluate the threat with identification of the vulnerabilities. This approach enables the VIGILNAT position to be adapted to the current situation.
The plan is comprised of four alert levels that correspond to the respective threat levels. The alert level is set based on the proposals made by the Anti-terrorism Coordination Group (GCT) and announced by the government.
Alert level 1 corresponds to the LOW threat level
- applies when the terrorist threat that is subject to analysis is judged to be possible, but improbable;
- does not bring about specific measures, the measures and procedures in place are permanent ones.
Alert level 2 corresponds to the MEDIUM threat level
Currently in effect
- applies when the terrorist threat that is subject to analysis is judged to be possible and likely;
- consists of strengthening vigilance against a real threat that is as yet undefined;
- triggers the implementation of temporary measures of vigilance, prevention and protection of variable intensity that do not excessively limit the country's economic and social life.
Alert level 3 corresponds to the SERIOUS threat level
- applies when the terrorist threat that is subject to analysis is judged to be probable and concrete;
- translates into a strengthening of measures of vigilance, prevention and protection and is intended to be temporary;
- can be activated over the whole territory or, if it is necessary to reinforce safety measures on an occasional basis, over a limited geographical area and/or in certain sectors of activity.
Alert level 4 corresponds to the VERY SERIOUS threat level
- applies when the terrorist threat that is subject to analysis is judged to be concrete and imminent, or when one or several terrorist acts have been committed on national territory;
- includes mobilisation of all the response capabilities available and the application of particularly stringent measures to counter the threat and, in the event of an attack, to intervene rapidly and in a coordinated manner;
- can be activated over the whole territory or, if it is necessary to reinforce safety measures on an occasional basis, over a limited geographical area and/or in certain sectors of activity and is designed to be of limited duration.
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