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Permanent closure of the Advanced care centres
Neues Formular für den Urlaub aus familiären Gründen ab Montag, 30. März 2020
Les données sur le COVID-19 disponible en "Open Data"
Recommandations sanitaires relatives aux activités déconfinées de la Direction de la santé
A deconfinement strategy framed by health and research measures
COVID-19: Adaptation of the self-isolation and self-quarantine procedures to facilitate contact tracing
Covid-19: new sanitary measures starting january 11th
COVID-19: Nouvelles mesures en vigueur depuis le 30.10.2020
"Covidtest travels": New procedure for residents who must travel abroad
Ce qui change avec les "lois Covid-19" pour le citoyen
Exit strategy: a scenario for the gradual lifting of the confinement measures introduced to deal with COVID-19
red vigilance "extreme weatherconditions": risks and advice
Coordination meeting with regard to the severe weather forecast for tonight
Extreme weather - status report at 5 a.m.
Extreme weather - status report at 8.00 a.m.
Confirmation of a first case of a person infected by the COVID-19 virus in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Les FAQ relatives au Coronavirus sur gouvernement.lu ont été complétées par un volet destiné aux entreprises
2nd COVID-19 infection in Luxembourg
COVID-19 au Luxembourg: 3e nouveau cas
COVID-19 au Luxembourg : 4e cas
5th COVID-19 infection in Luxembourg
COVID-19 au Luxembourg : Première infection diagnostiquée auprès d’un frontalier (09.03.2020)
COVID-19 : Recommandation de la Direction de la santé concernant les événements rassemblant plus de 1000 personnes (09.03.2020)
6th and 7th COVID-19 infection in Luxembourg
COVID-19: The interministerial crisis unit takes stock of the situation
Measures taken by the Government Council on 12 March 2020 in response to the Coronavirus
COVID-19 au Luxembourg: 12 nouvelles infections, 1 décès
Government council - new measures taken in response to the Coronavirus (15.03.2020)
A new C45 teleconsultation act in the context of the coronavirus epidemic "COVID-19" is introduced in the medical nomenclature
The Government reminds the general public of the need to abide by the measures introduced for curbing the spread of the COVID-19 virus
Medical centres (maisons médicales) to take patients presenting coronavirus symptoms
Declaration of the Prime Minister at the Chamber of Deputies: Stay at Home! (17.03.2020)
Écoles et structures d’accueil : la suspension des activités prolongée jusqu’au 19 avril 2020
Grand Ducal Regulation of 18 March 2020 introducing a series of measures in the context of the fight against COVID-19
The new website covid19.lu gathers all official and usefull information regarding Covid-19
The organisation of the health system in times of the COVID-19 crisis
Exit strategy: a scenario for the gradual lifting of the confinement measures introduced to deal with COVID-19
Last update
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